Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some Changes Leave You Right Where You Are

Wow! That is the only thing I can think to say is: Wow!

I know I said the other day that life is about change, but some much has gone on this week. It is amazing that some change leaves right where you started. And, that is ok. God has much to teach us in all that goes on in our lives. Are we ready to learn?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Life is all about change. Whether we stay still or we are moving, life still changes.

The thing we need to make sure of is that God is in control of the changes in our personal lives. Is the change we make in direct obedience to God's will? That is the only change for which we are responsible.

Just a random thought, sort of!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Audience Participation

This blog entry requires some audience participation. I know that there aren't very many participants, but you know how it is.

I have been thinking about the words grace and mercy. If we serve a gracious and merciful God - and we do! And, if we are to be more like God - and we are! Then, as Christians, why aren't we more gracious and merciful to others - espcially to our brothers and sisters in Christ! It seems Christians sometimes, we are more gracious and merciful to those on the street than to those we meet with on a weekly basis!

Another word describing God is servant. He sent His son to be the ultimate servant for us. Should we also be a servant to God? Should we give our all to Him?

I believe that if we were more gracious, merciful, and served God & others, all of our pettiness in the church would desolve!!!

Just some food for thought!!